About the Author

Who were the ancient Israelites, and how did they come to produce the Bible? How can archaeology help us to understand them and the times they lived in?

There’s a deep hunger in our culture for insight into the world of the Bible. In the best case this leads people to explore reputable and authoritative sources of insight. In the worst case it creates a space for pseudo-archaeologists to pander silly ideas that have no basis in responsible research.

I’m in the first camp. Scholarly works, popular books, TV programs, trips to Israel with tours of Biblical sites, learning Hebrew, attending archaeology conferences and taking university courses: these have been the stepping stones from which I’ve built my path.

But scholarly works are not intended to feed the broad popular desire for understanding the Bible. How can people like you and me get a feeling for life in Biblical times, for how the people who lived then saw their world and how, out of that world the Bible emerged?

That’s where fiction comes in.

I bring the period of the Bible alive with stories of ordinary people caught up In the world-shaping events of the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament).

Please join me in exploring the world of ancient Israel through my blogs, books and stories. You may be surprised at who you meet.

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